Scales of the rhizome and axes clathrate. Indusia single, absent in Pleurosorus. Aspleniaceae
Fronds simple or irregularly divided into segments at the base only
Fronds sessile or subsessile, simple, entire, 60–180 cm long, 3–21 cm broad; the apex acute, subacute or emarginate. Sori 1 mm apart, often 4–6 cm long, very numerous. Midrib glabrous. Veins connected in an intramarginal vein. Large epiphyte with tufted fronds encircling a hollowed central region. Widespread. RF. On trees and rocks. Bird's Nest Fern Asplenium australasicum
Fronds stipitate, simple or irregularly divided into segments at the base only, up to 45 cm long, up to 5.5 cm broad; the apex often proliferous and very attenuated except in juvenile fronds. Sori 3–4 mm apart, up to 1.5 cm long. Main rhachis or midrib ± scaly. Intramarginal veins absent. Rhizome short, tufted. Damp rocks in shady places or in closed gullies, occasionally epiphytic