Banksia L.f.
Fruit a woody follicle. Flowers in pairs in each bract, Inflorescence usually ovoid or cylindrical >5 cm long . Banksia
Style straight or gently curved from near the base
Leaves white underneath with a close tomentum, 2–10 cm long
Leaves 3–10 mm wide, 2–6 cm long, linear to oblong, retuse and emarginate or obtuse, serrate or entire; lateral veins underneath usually inconspicuous. Spike 4–9 cm long, ovoid to cylindrical. Perianth yellow. Styles spreading or reflexed with a small thin pollen presenter. Spreading shrub or small tree with very villous young branches. Widespread. Heath and DSF. Ss. Fl. summer–autumn marginata
Leaves 10–20 mm wide, occasionally some narrower; lateral veins ± conspicuous