Bidens L.
Leaves pinnately divided into 3–5 segments or pinnatisectly into 5 or more segments; the lower ones sometimes simple. Cypselas up to 12 mm long, 4-angled. Pappus awns up to 3 mm long
Leaflets serrate or dentate very rarely lobed, stalked, usually 3 but sometimes 5, ovate to lanceolate, 3–6 cm long. Ray white, up to 1 cm long, sometimes absent. Heads few, mostly terminal on slender peduncles. Involucre cylindrical, c. 6 mm diam.; outer bracts herbaceous; inner ones bordered with a white thinnish margin. Erect, glabrous or hairy herb up to 2 m high, sometimes woody towards the base, with angular branches. Widespread. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from S. America. Fl. spring–summer. Cobbler’s Pegs. Benson (2007) indicates that this species may be native to Australia Bidens pilosa
Leaflets deeply divided or the leaves bipinnate, 5–7-lobed linear to lanceolate, 4–11 cm long. Ray yellow, up to 1 cm long. Involucral bracts herbaceous. Erect ± glabrous herb up to 2 m high. Coast. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from S. America. Fl. spring–summer. Beggars Ticks Bidens subalternans