Cestrum L.
Flowers reddish orange to reddish-purple. Hairs on stems and inflorescences purple
Calyx and corolla densely pubescent on outside. Calyx 8–9 mm long. Corolla red or orange-red, tube 15–25 mm long. Leaves ovate, 5–13 cm long. Flowers in terminal panicles. Berry 15 mm diam., red. Shrub to 3 m high. Occasional garden escape. Wollongong area. Introd. from Mexico. Fl. winter- spring Cestrum fasiculatum
Calyx and corolla ± glabrous. Calyx 4.5–6 mm long. Corolla reddish pink to reddish-purple, tube 15–23 mm long. Leaves lanceolate, 7–12 cm long. Flowers in terminal panicles. Berry 8–13 mm diam., red. Shrub to 5 m high. Occasional garden escape. Wollongong and southern ranges area. Introd. from Mexico. Fl. winter–spring Cestrum elegans