Correa Andrews
Leaves 2–4 cm long
Petals cohering in a cylindrical tube for the greater part of their length, red or yellowish-green, 2–3 cm long. Flowers 1–3 together, terminal, erect to drooping. Leaves cordate-ovate to elliptic, 2–3 cm long. Erect shrub 0.5–1.5 m high.
Flowers drooping, clasped by 2 reflexed bracts, corolla green to yellow or red with green to pale lobes. Red flower coastal form, green flower inland form. Widespread. DSF and Heath. Sandy soils. Fl. spring. Native Fuschia Correa reflexareflexa
Flowers erect to drooping, not clasped by reflexed bracts, corolla red with green to pale lobes or pale yellow. Coastal areas on sand or Ss. DSF. Fl. winter–early spring. Correa reflexaspeciosa