Corymbia K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson
Lateral veins of leaf ± parallel making 50–60° angle with mid-vein, fruit ovoid to urceolate with disc deeply depressed, ≥10 mm long Corymbia
Bark rough
Leaves bluish, concolorous, bark yellow, rough on trunk and branches, flaky or scaly. Fruit sessile, ovoid-truncate or urceolate, 13–16 x 14–15 mm; disc enclosed in the floral tube; valves enclosed. Tree up to 20 m high, usually gnarled. Leaves 10–18 x 1–2.5 cm, sometimes paler underneath. Lateral veins parallel; angle 50–70°; intramarginal vein 1 mm from the margin. Umbels 7-flowered, in a terminal corymb; peduncles angular, almost terete, 10–25 mm long. Operculum hemispherical, shortly beaked, shorter than the floral tube. Lower Blue Mts; Woronora Plateau. Fl. spring. Yellow Bloodwood Corymbia eximia
Leaves green, discolorous, bark reddish or brown rough throughout (small branches and twigs smooth), fibrous-flaky, with longitudinal and transverse cracks. Fruit pedicellate, ovoid-truncate or urceolate, 12–20 x 10–18 mm; disc enclosed in the floral tube; valves enclosed. Tree usually c. 15 m high (up to 30 m), often with gnarled branches. Leaves 10–16 x 2–5 cm. Lateral veins parallel, close together; angle 60–70°; intramarginal vein c. 1 mm from the margin. Umbels 7-flowered, in a terminal corymb; peduncles compressed. Operculum hemispherical to conical, much shorter than the floral tube. Widespread. DSF. Mostly Ss, rarely shale. Fl. summer. Red Bloodwood. Corymbia gummifera