Cyphanthera Miers
Shrubs. Corolla deeply lobed with narrow lobes Cyphanthera
Flowers on pedicels longer than the subtending leaves. Leaves pubescent with short stellate hairs. Corolla white, 5–10 mm long. Shrub up to 2 m high. Valleys of the lower Blue Mts, e.g. Bilpin, Mt Wilson. DSF and WSF. Fl. spring Cyphanthera scabrella
Flowers almost sessile; pedicels shorter than the subtending leaves or obsolete. Leaves and young stems tomentose to densely pubescent, with long white often stellate hairs. Corolla white with purple markings. Shrub up to 2 m high. Cumberland Plain; valleys of western Blue Mts DSF. Fl. spring–summer Cyphanthera albicansalbicans