Elymus L.
Glumes not bulging on the back, up to 3 mm wide. Lemmas tapering into an awn or awnless. Spikelets usually with 3 or more florets. Perennials Elymus
Plants tufted, some lemmas with awns
Spikelets 5–7 cm long, cuneate, with 6–12 florets, sessile or almost so, awns slender 15 mm long or more. Rhachilla distinctly hairy. Glumes unequal. Lemmas 8–20 mm long, with awns 2–4 cm long. Tufted perennial c. 1.5 m high. Widespread. Chiefly on clay soils. Fl. summer. Common Wheat Grass Elymus scaber