Eucalyptus L’Hér.
Leaves glaucous; calyptra present Eucalyptus
Leaves on adult plants alternate
Umbels consistently 3-flowered
Pedicel as long as or longer than, the fruit. Tree up to 25 m high. Bark on trunk and larger branches dirty grey, fibrous-flaky, smaller branches with loose flakes of rough bark. Leaves 14–22 x 2–5 cm. Lateral veins slightly irregular, angle 45–65°; intramarginal vein 1–2 mm from margin. Peduncles terete, usually reflexed, 15–30 mm long. Operculum conical, usually beaked, as long as or longer than the floral tube. Fruit ovoid-truncate or campanulate, 15–30 x 10–12 mm; disc conspicuous, flat or convex; valves enclosed or the tips slightly exserted. Drier parts of Cumberland Plain; Illawarra. Usually on deep soils, often with a hardpan. Fl. spring–early summer. Woollybutt Eucalyptus longifolia