Ovules (and seeds) borne naked on sporophylls (or on scales projecting from sporophylls, which are usually arranged in cones. Microsporophylls bearing the pollen sacs also arranged in cones. Pollen deposited directly on the ovule Gymnosperms
Leaves pinnate Cycadophyta
Pinnae progressively reduced in size and becoming spine-like towards the base of the leaf; bases of the pinnae never red. Leaves mostly 20–100 in number, 0.7–2.5 m long; rhachis not twisted. Stems mostly sunken, except in shallow soils where they are sometimes 1–2m high.
Seed more than 3 cm long. Leaves 1.5–2.5 m long, dark green. Male cones cylindrical, 20–45 cm long at maturity, 6–12 cm diam. Female cones cylindrical, 20–50 cm long, 10–20 cm diam. Pollination Oct.; fertilization Jan.–Feb. Seeds yellow or orange Coast and adjacent plateaus and eastern slopes of Blue Mts. DSF; WSF Macrozamia communis
Seed less than 3 cm long. Leaves to 1.5 m long, paler green than M. communis. Male cones cylindrical, 20–45 cm long at maturity, 6–12 cm diam. Female cones cylindrical, 20–50 cm long, 10–20 cm diam. Pollination Oct.; fertilization Jan.–Feb. Seeds yellow or orange Coast in ranges in north of region. DSF. Ss. and sands Macrozamia reducta