Lobelia L.
Flowers in terminal usually ± unilateral racemes. Anthers all with bristles at the apex of the anther tube. Corolla dark blue
Erect herbs. Leaves linear to ovate, deeply incised or dentate, tapering towards the base. Capsule oblique, subglobular
Three anterior corolla lobes oblong to narrow-oblong or narrow-obovate, up to 6 mm wide. Corolla 15–25 mm long. Stems simple to slightly branched. Capsule more than 5 mm diam
Lower leaves ovate, deeply cut, up to 3 cm long and 4 mm wide. Pedicels c. 2 cm long. The middle anterior corolla lobe narrow-oblong. Widespread. Open forests and heath. Ss. Fl. winter–spring Lobelia dentata