Flowers unisexual Lomandraceae
Flowers separate on the inflorescence, well spaced or 2–3 together; the male flowers distinctly, and the female flowers very shortly, pedicellate
Flowers purplish or reddish (some other species may have purplish flowers but they lack the following characteristics); male flowers 2 mm diam., open-campanulate; female flowers c. 5 mm long: perianth segments ± thin and similar, lanceolate to ovate. Leaves narrow-linear, 30–40 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, quadrangular to terete; bases with purplish-brown to black margins but scarcely shredded. Male inflorescence a broad panicle; female inflorescence a narrower panicle or raceme. Widespread. DSF. Fl. autumn–winter Lomandra micranthatuberculata
Flowers yellow to cream; male flowers closed-campanulate. Inner perianth segments often ± thicker than the outer ones