Marsdenia R.Br. >
Corolla not reflexed at anthesis; up to 6 mm diam. Follicle smooth ovoid to elongated. Leaves with glands at base of midvein Marsdenia
Flowers in simple umbels on short peduncles. Corolla ± urceolate or campanulate
Leaves up to 5 times as long as broad
Stigmatic head long, rostrate. Leaves obtusely and usually abruptly acuminate, up to 13 cm long, 2–7 cm wide; ovate to almost orbicular, dark green above, slightly paler underneath; petioles 10–40 mm long. Flowers numerous in dense simple umbels up to 3 cm diam. Corolla c. 6 mm diam., bearded inside below the middle; lobes slightly longer than the tube. Fruit ovoid, acuminate, 5 cm long, 2–4 cm diam. Robust twiner, glabrous or the young growth tomentose. Widespread. In or near RF; also near the sea in sheltered places. Fl. spring–summer Marsdenia rostrata