Plants aquatic, rhizome submerged in the mud but some of the laminas may be floating. Sporocarps hard and woody, borne at the base of or along the stipes, 3–9 mm long Marsileaceae
Sporocarps with 1 or more usually 2 teeth. Stalks of the sporocarps very rarely branched. Leaflets of the terrestrial forms often very densely hirsute. Stalks shorter than the sporocarps
Sporocarps with 1–2 unequal teeth; the upper tooth truncate; the lower often undeveloped. Leaflets usually narrowly oblanceolate to oblanceolate0.1–1 cm long, 0.07–0.45 cm broad. Cumberland Plain. Low-lying land subject to inundation Marsilea costulifera
Sporocarps with 2 teeth which are equal in length. Leaflets very broadly obovate-cuneate to narrowly obovate-cuneate, 0.8–2.1 cm long, 0.5–1.3 cm broad. Cumberland Plain. In swampy land, on the edge of pools and lagoons Marsilea hirsuta