Ozothamnus R.Br.
Receptacle without scales or scales 0–3 and many less than florets Ozothamnus
Leaves 3–7 cm long
Leaves 6–10 mm wide, 4–7 cm long, lanceolate, greyish white or rusty underneath, ± viscid on the upper surface. Involucre 2 mm diam.; inner bracts with a broad white sometimes spreading limb. Heads numerous. Florets c. 14. Aromatic viscid shrub up to 3 m high. Coast. Forests and margins of RF. Fl. spring–summer Ozothamnus argophyllus
Leaves 2–3 mm wide, 3–5 cm long, narrow-lanceolate, white tomentose underneath. Involucre 2–4 mm diam.; inner bracts with a white erect or spreading limb. Heads numerous. Florets 4–7. Tall shrub or small tree up to 5 m high. Widespread. Forests. Fl. summer. Tree Everlasting Ozothamnus ferrugineus