Paspalidium Stapf
Bristle terminating the inflorescence branches less than 8 mm long. Spikelets obtuse Paspalidium
Spikelets in 1 row or irregularly arranged
Spikelets elliptic to obovate-elliptic. Ligule ciliate, c. 1–1.25 mm long altogether. Leaf blades ± convolute, up to 14 cm long and 3.5 mm wide when expanded. Inflorescence exserted; the main axis with up to 10 short racemes slightly shorter than the internodes or much reduced with a few few-flowered branches. Wiry perennial 10–80 cm high. Widespread. Open forests. Slender Panic Paspalidium gracile
Spikelets elliptic-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate. Ligule ciliate, up to 0.5 mm long altogether. Leaf blades up to 10 cm long and 2.5 mm wide, often loosely involute. Inflorescence 2.5–12 cm long, with 4–6 appressed racemes, often branched below. Glabrous perennial, 10–60 cm high. Widespread. Woodlands on shales. Fl. summer Paspalidium criniforme