Pterostylis R.Br.
Dorsal sepal and lateral petals fused to form a hood (Fig. 44) Pterostylis
Basal leaves in a cluster or rosette encircling the base of the stem, always present at flowering time. Cauline leaves reduced to sheathing bracts or well developed and scattered
Stem leaves well developed
Labellum narrow ovate, brown. Lower sepals erect but inclined forward. Lower leaves petiolate, lanceolate-ovate, 4–8 cm long, passing into stem bracts. Flower solitary. Perianth 4–6 cm long, green with tinges of brownish-red at the tips of the segments. Plant up to c. 20 cm high. Southern parts of the Blue Mts Fl. Nov.–Jan. Sickle Orchid Pterostylis falcata
Labellum filiform, beset with long yellow hairs almost to the apex. Plant 12–20 cm high. Leaves numerous, lanceolate, 2–3 cm long, crowded near the base of the stem, tipped with red-brown. Perianth c. 4 cm long, pale green, with fine darker green veins