Rhodanthe Lindl.
Branches woolly and leaves without sessile glands. Herb up to 6 cm high. Leaves linear and triangular, 5–10 mm long. Heads sessile, solitary or clustered. Involucre 7 mm long, light brown. Florets 4–5, corolla 3 mm long. Cypselas silky hairy, 2.5 mm long. Pappus of hairs c. 6 mm long. Grows in seasonally wet areas. Fl. spring Rhodanthe pygmaea
Branches glabrous and leaves with sessile glands. Herb up to 30 cm high. Leaves linear, crowded, 10 mm long, glabrous. Heads solitary on bracteate scapes. Involucre c. 5 mm long.; outer bracts scarious, tinged with brown with purple mid rib; inner bracts white, spreading, 6–10 mm long. Receptacle without scales. Florets many, corolla 6 mm long. Cypselas densely silky hairy, 1–2 mm long. Pappus of hairs c. 4 mm long. Western parts of the area. Grasslands and open forests. Fl. spring–summer Rhodanthe anthemoides