Rubus L.
Stipules narrow, fused to petiole at its base. Receptacle elongated. Hypanthium not enclosing achenes; an aggregate fruit formed Rubus
Leaves compound
Leaves pinnate, some leaves may only have 3 leaflets
Petals red to pink. Hairs on stem and leaves simple. Leaves grey or white underneath; leaflets 3–5, ovate, up to 4 cm long, dentate. Aggregate fruit red, succulent, usually with few large drupels. Scrambling shrub. Widespread. Chiefly WSF. Fl. spring. Native raspberry. R. parvifolius parvifoliusR. parvifolius
Petals white. Hairs on stem and leaves glandular. Leaves green on both surfaces; leaflets 5–7, elliptic to lanceolate, up to 8 cm long, dentate. Fruit red, dryish, with numerous drupels. Scrambling shrubs