Vegetative key to the families
Vegetative Key Vegetative key to the families
INSECTIVEROUS PLANTS with either sticky glands on the leaves (Fig.28), or with bladders 1–2 mm long on submerged or subterranean leaves (Fig. 28). Very delicate herbs
Leaves with glandular hairs, in a rosette and/or ascending and bifurcating (Fig. 24) Droseraceae
Leaves basal and cauline, peltate. Basal rosette of leaves often absent at time of flowering. Stems erect, occasionally bending over, 10–15 cm high, arising from a globular subterranean tuber. Flowers in terminal racemes. Petals white or pink
Sepals ± pubescent, c. 4 mm long; margins ciliate-toothed. Widespread. Damp pastures and open forests. Fl. spring–summer Drosera peltata
Sepals glabrous, c. 5 mm long; margins entire. Widespread. Damp places in gullies and forests. Fl. spring–summer Drosera auriculata