Gramineae: A, cluster of spikelets of Themeda australis (part of awn removed); B, Tetrarrhena juncea, inflorescence and a single spikelet; C, Phalaris aquatica inflorescence and a single spikelet (floret and sterile lemmas separated from the glumes); D, spikelet of Anthoxanthum odoratum (floret and sterile lemmas separated from the glumes); E, spikelet of Microleana stipoides; F, spikelet of Ehrharta longiflora; G, spikelet of Pennisetum villosum with surrounding bristles (note connate styles); H, burr of Cenchrus australis (tips of the two spikes visible); I, Hierochloe rariflora, spikelet. Symbols: g1 = lower glume, g2 = upper glume, sl = lower sterile lemma, s2 = upper sterile lemma, flt = floret, l = lemma, p = palea.