1 gen., N. Guinea and Aust.
2 species in Aust.; Qld, NSW, Vic.
Eupomatia laurina
Erect, glabrous shrub or small tree. Leaves alternate, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, shortly acuminate, 7–12 cm long, shortly petiolate, glossy, distichous, gland-dotted, aromatic; stipules absent. Flowers solitary, c. 25 mm diam., apparently axillary, on short peduncles. Perianth connate into a conical cap (calyptra), deciduous as the flower opens. Stamens spirally inserted on the cup-shaped receptacle; inner ones petaloid, obovate, sterile, folded over the carpels; outer ones fertile, linear-lanceolate, curved, spreading, with acuminate tips. Carpels numerous crowded into the cup-shaped receptacle; stigmas confluent on the flat areolate surface. Ovules several. Fruits 1–2-seeded, immersed in the enlarged receptacle; aggregate fruit 2 cm diam., berry-like. Seeds irregularly angular. Coast and adjacent plateaus. In or near RF. Fl. spring. Bolwarra