11 species in Aust. (10 endemic, 1 native); Qld, NSW, NT, WA
Litsea reticulata
Dioecious tree. Leaves obovate to elliptic, 4–10 cm long, the apex rounded obtuse or scarcely acuminate, green or slightly glaucous underneath, conspicuously reticulate on the upper surface. Flowers unisexual, in short axillary racemes or clusters. Peduncles with 4 concave bracts c. 5 mm long near the top enclosing c. 6 flowers. Perianth segments 3–6 mm long. Fruit ovoid, black, c. 12 mm long, enclosed at the base in the cup-shaped floral tube c. one third the length of the fruit. Coast. RF. Bolly Gum or She Beech