7 species in Aust. (6 endemic); Qld, NSW, NT, WA
Polymeria calycina
Prostrate or slightly twining herb, glabrous or slightly pubescent. Leaves 5–30 mm long, on thin petioles, cordate or rarely hastate at the base; lower leaves broad-ovate; upper ones oblong-linear. Peduncles 1-flowered, usually shorter than the leaves, with minute bracteoles at or below the middle. Sepals unequal, overlapping; the outer one very broad-ovate or cordate, c. 6 mm long; the inner one shorter, acuminate. Corolla 10–12 mm long, slightly pubescent outside, pink. Stigmatic lobes 4–8. Coast and adjacent plateaus; valleys in Blue Mts Grasslands and open swampy places. Fl. most of the year.