Stamens fused to perianth tube Blandfordiaceae
Leaf margins crenulate, rough. Flowers 3–10 per raceme. Perianth lobes obtuse-mucronate. Stamens usually attached to the middle of the perianth tube. Leaves usually less than 5 mm wide, up to 60 cm long
Perianth tube ± cylindrical, narrowing abruptly 5–10 mm above the base, 20–35 mm long, 5–10 mm diam., often ± constricted just below the lobes. Widespread south of Gosford. Damp places. Sandy soils. Fl. summer Blandfordia nobilis.
Perianth tube funnel-shaped, narrowing gradually towards the base, 35–45 mm long, 25–40 mm diam. Coast north of Gosford, sandy soil. Damp places. Fl. summer Blandfordia grandiflora