Brassica L.
Each dry fruit valve with a strong central vein and faint lateral ones; beak slender. Sepals almost erect Brassica
Plants glaucous, occasionally with scattered bristly hairs
Uppermost leaves never stem-clasping. Sepals 3–4 mm long. Plants glabrous throughout or setose-hispid on lowest part of stem
Seeds spaced 3–4 per cm in each loculus. Fruit 25–30 mm long. Coast and Cumberland Plain. Weed of cultivation and waste places. Introd. from Asia. Indian Mustard Brassica juncea
Seeds spaced 5–8 per cm in each loculus. Fruit 15–25 cm long. Widespread. Weed of vacant and cultivated land. Introd. from Europe. Twiggy Turnip Brassica fruticulosa