Bromus L.
Spikelets less than 3.5 cm long (including the awns if present)
Spikelets mostly 1–2 cm long (including the awns if present), c. 5 mm wide, pale green, often ± whitish, mostly erect; the lowermost sometimes slightly drooping. Longest of the pedicels c. 2 cm long but most spikelets on pedicels c. 5 mm long or less. Awns, if present, up to 3 mm long. Panicle 6–20 cm long, usually compact, especially near the top. Annual or biennial, sometimes with rhizomes, up to 60 cm high. Widespread. Weed. Introd. from S. America. Fl. winter–spring Bromus brevis
Spikelets mostly 2–3 cm long (including the awns), 5–10 mm wide. Awns, if present, up to 7 mm long