Carpobrotus N.E.Br.
Fruit berry-like. Leaves comparatively large, 10–15 mm wide near the base Carpobrotus
Staminodes purple to deep pink. Leaves with slightly convex to flat lateral faces; keel smooth or denticulate only at the apex.
Staminodes paler but not white towards the base. Leaves equilateral in the middle, 3.5–9 mm long, 6–12 times as long as wide. Perianth segments densely dotted, becoming more sparsely so towards the membranous margins. Flowers 3.5–8 cm diam. Fruit usually longer than wide, purplish. Frequently used to control erosion. Not common in the area. Introd. from S. America Carpobrotus aequilaterus
Staminodes white towards the base. Leaves ± equilateral in the middle, 3.5–10 cm long, 4–8 times as long as wide. Perianth segments with the membranous part dotted for c. half its width. Flower 4–6 cm diam. Fruit usually longer than wide, purplish. Near the sea. Fl. most of the year. Pigface. Carpobrotus glaucescens