Rulingia R.Br.
Staminodes alternating with stamens, linear-lanceolate, petaloid. Fruit less than 12 mm diam. Rulingia
Leaves lanceolate to oblong, rarely lobed at the base especially after fire, mostly 5–12 mm long but sometimes longer, almost sessile, wrinkled and glabrescent above, pubescent below; margins recurved, crenato-serrate. Capsule 4 mm diam., with short hirsute bristles up to 0.5 mm long. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Heath. Ss. Fl. spring Rulingia hermanniifolia
Leaves ovate, mostly more than 15 mm long, only slightly wrinkled above, petiolate, pubescent underneath, glabrescent on upper surface; margins recurved, serrate. Capsule c. 6 mm diam., with long hirsute bristles (1–2 mm long towards the top of the capsule). Picton Lakes and southwards. Heath and DSF. Endangered. Fl. spring Rulingia prostrata