Sida L.
Erect or ascending shrubs up to 2 m high.
Peduncles 0–1 mm long. Mericarps 4 – 6, obtuse. Sepals 2–3 mm long. Petals only slightly longer than the sepals. Leaves lanceolate to narrow-oblong, up to 6 cm long, dentate, paler on undersurface. Hunter River Valley. Sida subspicata
Peduncles more than 10 mm long, flowers solitary in leaf axils. Mericarps 6–9, wrinkled. Sepals 4–5 mm long. Petals longer than sepals. Leaves linear-oblong, 1–3 cm long. Northern part of region, Yengo National Park. Grows in clay soils Sida trichopoda