Sticherus C.Presl
Minor veinlets of the segments once forked, rarely the lowest pair twice or thrice forked. Rhizome clothed with scales. Sporangia 1–6 (mostly 4) in each sorus. Nodes devoid of accessory pinnae. Spores bilateral Sticherus
Primary axes with simple or lobed pinnules. Pinnules entire or bluntly and crenately lobed, glaucous beneath
Lower surface of the pinnules always glabrous. Lower surface of the ultimate lateral axes (i.e. costae) clothed with flat, narrowly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, shortly fimbriate scales. Pinnules widely spreading at 60o–90o to the axes. Plants up to 2 m high. Widespread. Rocky hillsides; margins of RF; open forests Sticherus lobatus
Lower surface of the pinnules densely clothed with stellately branched hairs and scales. Lower surface of the ultimate lateral axes (i.e. costae) clothed with substellate scales (with a long terminal portion and several elongated processes towards the base) as well as a few, narrowly lanceolate, fimbriate scales. Pinnules acutely angled, usually spreading at 40o–70o to the axes. Widespread. Sheltered gullies; mountain slopes; along creeks; pendulous in crevices of sandstone cliff-faces; near waterfalls Sticherus urceolatus