Thelionema R.J.F.Hend.
Flowers erect Thelionema
Inflorescence spreading, cymose, with 2–many branches, 60 cm high, usually exceeding the leaves; the scape flattened towards the base. Perianth segments 8–15 mm long, blue or cream. Leaves linear, 10–35 cm long, 5–8 mm wide. Widespread. DSF and heath. Chiefly Ss. Fl. summer Thelionema caespitosum
Inflorescence umbel-like, with 1–3 branches, usually less than 30 cm long, shorter than or just exceeding the leaves; the scape compressed or terete towards the base. Perianth segments 5–7 mm long, cream. Leaves linear, 10–30 cm long, c. 5 mm wide. Widespread. DSF and heath. Chiefly Ss. Fl. summer Thelionema umbellatum