Villarsia Vent.
Basal leaves erect, never floating, longer than broad, ovate to broad-ovate but when broad-ovate then not cordate at the base, rounded attenuate or slightly cordate at the base, 4–12 cm long 2–8 cm wide; upper surface matt, slightly darker than the undersurface or the same colour. Flowers heterostylous. Capsule adnate to the calyx lobes in lower half or third. Tufted, perennial herb up to 1.5 m high. Coast and Cumberland Plain. Swamps or pools or slow moving water. Fl. spring–summer Villarsia exaltata
Basal leaves usually floating, at least in deepest water, ± as long as broad, broad-ovate to orbicular or depressed-ovate (reniform), deeply cordate at the base; upper surface darker than undersurface, glossy. Flowers homostylous. Capsule adnate to the calyx lobes only at the very base. Perennial herb up to 1 m high. Widespread south of Sydney. Swamps or pools or slow moving water. Fl. spring–summer Villarsia reniformis