2 species in Aust.( 1 native, 1 naturalized); Qld, NSW, WA
*Coix lachryma-jobi
Erect annual or perennial with branched culms up to 2 m high, with prop roots. Leaf blades 2–5 cm wide, up to 45 cm long; ligule membranous. Male and female inflorescences numerous, produced on the one peduncle in the upper axils. Female inflorescence with 1 sessile fertile spikelet and 2 pedicellate sterile spikelets surrounded by a hard bead-like globular utricle 6–12 mm diam. Fertile spikelets with 2 florets. Male inflorescences with c. 10 spikelets, 7–8 mm long in slender racemes protruding from the utricle. Cumberland Plain. Waste places; roadsides. Introd. from Asia. Fl. summer. Job’s Tears