Eucalyptus bosistoana
Rough bark grey, shortly fibrous to mealy. Leaves green, 8–12 x 2–2.5 cm; lateral veins very irregular; angle 20–40°. Fruit 7 x 7 mm, hemispherical to pyriform or ovoid; disc small, enclosed in the floral tube; valves usually enclosed. Anthers adnate, subglobular, opening in terminal pores. Tree up to 30 m high. Umbels usually axillary but sometimes in a terminal panicle, 7-flowered; peduncles almost terete, 8–12 mm long. Operculum conical, as long as the floral tube. Liverpool district; Illawarra district; Wolgan, Grose, and Burragorang valleys. Fl. summer. Bosisto’s Box