Eucalyptus botryoides
Fruit cylindrical or barrel-shaped, 7–9 x 6–7 mm; disc narrow, obscure; valves enclosed or their tips just exserted. Floral tube of bud and sometimes of fruit with 1 or 2 ribs. Tree up to 25 m high. Bark as in E. microcorys but smaller branches smooth. Leaves 10–14 x 3–6 cm. Lateral veins regular or irregular, often parallel; angle 40–60°; intramarginal vein 1–2 mm from the margin. Umbels 7-flowered; peduncles very compressed, 7–10 mm long. Operculum hemispherical, obtuse or with a short beak, much shorter than the floral tube. Coastal. Deep, usually wet, and often saline soils. Fl. summer. Bangalay (Intermediates between E. botryoides and E. saligna occur extensively in the south of the region)