Eucalyptus capitellata
Buds angular; operculum bluntly conical, rarely acute, much shorter than the floral tube. Fruits 9–12 mm diam., sessile, compressed-globular or globular-truncate, crowded into dense heads; disc flat or convex, broad, reddish; valves enclosed or their tips exserted. Tree up to 10 m high, frequently gnarled, sometimes shrubby. Juvenile leaves orbicular to broad-lanceolate, undulate, hispid. Adult leaves coriaceous, glossy, up to 17 x 3.5 cm; lateral veins irregular; angle 20–40°; intramarginal vein mostly 2–3 mm from the margin. Umbels 7–15-flowered; peduncles compressed or angular, 7–10 mm long. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Fl. summer. Brown Stringybark