Eucalyptus pilularis
Fruit ± globular, 9–12 x 9–12 mm; disc narrow, usually depressed or enclosed in the floral tube; valves enclosed. Tree up to c. 40 m high, usually with a straight trunk. Bark on the lower part of the trunk dark brown or grey-brown to black, shortly fibrous; upper part of trunk and branches smooth. Juvenile leaves stem-clasping. Adult leaves 10–12 x 2–4 cm; lateral veins ± parallel; angle 30–45°; intramarginal vein distinct. Umbels 7–15-flowered; peduncles flattened or slightly compressed and with 2 prominent angles. Operculum conical to beaked, c. as long as the floral tube. Coast and adjacent plateaus; lower Blue Mts DSF and WSF; on a variety of soils. Fl. summer. Blackbutt