Eucalyptus saligna
Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate to ovate, with undulate margins. Fruit conical or campanulate, 5–6 x 5–6 mm, sessile or shortly pedicellate; disc usually depressed, inconspicuous; valves enclosed or slightly exserted and often spreading. Tree up to c. 60 m high with a straight trunk. Bark usually smooth except near the butt; the trunk more fibrous south of Sydney where it hybridises with E. botryoides. Adult leaves 10–20 x 1.5–3 cm. Umbels 7–11-flowered; peduncles usually compressed or 2-angled, 8–12 mm long. Operculum hemispherical or beaked, c. as long as the floral tube. Coast and adjacent plateaus. Usually on better soils. Fl. late summer. Sydney Blue Gum