Midge Orchids
Midge Orchids
40 species in Aust. (37 endemic, 3 native); all states and territories except NTGlabrous terrestrial herbs with paired tubers. Leaf solitary, sheathing the stem for most of its length, terete below, flattened above the sheath. Flowers not resupinate, usually numerous in a terminal spike. Dorsal sepal ± lanceolate, free, concave on the inner side; lateral sepals usually narrower and slightly longer, free or ± connate. Petals shorter and narrower than the dorsal sepal. Labellum clawed, usually articulate to the base of the column, with a single longitudinal callous; margin fringed to smooth. Column short, with a variable lateral wing on either side; anther with 2 pollen sacs, erect behind the stigma; pollinia 2, bilobed; caudicles present.D.L.Jones (2006) places most of the following species in a new genus Corunastylis