100 species endemic to Aust. all states and territories except NT
Erect spreading or prostrate shrubs. Leaves simple, mostly alternate. Stipules scarious, fused within the axil. Flowers either in terminal heads or axillary and then sometimes crowded towards the ends of the branches. Bracts frequently with broader more scarious stipules than the foliage leaves and sometimes with the lamina reduced or absent. Bracteoles persistent, ± adnate to the calyx, brown and membranous or green; with or without stipules which are often fused to the bracteoles making them appear to be lobed. Corolla yellow, often with a reddish centre. Standard nearly orbicular, longer than the lower petals, folded. Style straight or curved. Ovary sessile. Ovules 2. Legume ovate, small. Fl. spring except where otherwise stated.