Poa poiformis
poiformisGlumes 3–5 mm long. Callus with loose, woolly hairs. Culms much exceeding the leaves. Panicle usually contracted, ± linear in outline, 8–30 cm long, 1–6 cm wide. If some of the branches spread, then some of these bear spikelets almost to the base. Spikelets 6–10 mm long with 3–7 florets, mostly lanceolate. Lemma 3–6 mm long, sub-acute or truncate, hairy on the keel. Leaf blades usually very smooth on the lower (outer) surface, rarely faintly scabrous, convolute-terete or angular-terete, 0.25–1.5 mm diam (up to 2 mm when open). Coast. Fl. summer